21. - 22. 5. 2016
World Boxer Show ATIBOX 2016 Rogla, Slovenia
Dewi Hébé Box - excellent (in last best 13 females of 37 in ring) open class! Judge: Knut Andersen (NO)
Estie Hébé Box - excellent fawn females youth class. Judge: Juta Haranen (EE)
Father our litter "E" G'M de Bellemanie - Exc. 2 working class!!! Judge: M. T. Codina (ES)
G'M placed third time: Atibox 2015 - Exc. 3, Atibox 2014 - Exc. 4!!!
7. 5. 2016
Club show Svitavy (CZ)
Dewi Hébé Box - Exc.1 CACK!
Erp Hébé Box - Exc.1 CAJCK!
Estie Hébé Box - Exc.
23. 4. 2016
Club show Hukvaldy (CZ)
Estie Hébé Box - Exc.1 CAJCK!
Dewi Hébé Box - Exc. 4
2. 4. 2016
Jubilee Club show Otesice (CZ)
Erp Hébé Box - Exc.1, CAJC, Jubilee young winner!!! on his first show...
Estie Hébé Box - Exc.2
Asset Hébé Box - Exc.2 (on the age 11 years and 10 months)
Dewi Hébé Box - Exc.3
26. 3. 2016
Estie Hébé Box - obedience
19. 3. 2016
Dewi Hébé Box - obedience
19. 3. 2016
Effar a Eppie Hébé Box on the age 8 months.
Photo: owners
February 2016
Dewi Hébé Box - genetic test of renal dysplasia kidney CLEAR !!!
Other results: SA 0, HD B, OCD A, ED A, Heart 0 !!!
4. 2. 2016
Asset Hébé Box - 11 years and 8 months...still full of temperament, joy, good appetite... it is Assetka!
1. 2. 2016
Dewi Hébé Box - heart 0!!!
Other results - SA 0, HD B, OCD A, ED A !!!
January 2016
Estie, Eppie a Emmex Hébé Box
Photos: owners
8. 1. 2016
Dewi Hébé Box celebrated 2. birthday. All the best to other siblings from the litter "D"!